Ventura South West has opened a new first-of-its-kind double display homes in Dunsborough Lakes, with The Windmills and The Sugarloaf. Why waste time driving from one display village to the next? You can experience two of the most impressive displays at one time, in one place! Just like the local…
Our Guide to Display Homes
Building a new home is extremely exciting! Before you go signing the papers and selecting the colours of your new kitchen or designing the layout of the home, it’s important to do your research.
Visiting display homes is a great first step on your building journey, but to get the most value out of the experience you should first set out your budget. Your budget will be able to give you an idea of the type and size of the house you would be able to afford.
There is no doubt it can be overwhelming and daunting so to help you make the most out of visiting display homes we’ve put together some tips to follow.
Layout: It is important to think critically about where rooms are placed, the functionality of the home and which floor plan would work best for you. Imagine yourself going about your daily routine in this home. Where will you come in? Are the kids too far away?
Value: For the amount of space and area that you get, make sure you are happy with the value of the home. It is important to ask the consultant or sales representative what is included, and the value of the items. Keep in mind many display homes are designed to attract and impress buyers so they may feature expensive finishes or features.
Quality: It is important to look carefully at finishes, the builder wants to present the best-looking home they can, this includes taking pride in their work. Make sure to consider the types of materials used and if they align with what you are looking for in your own home.
Technology: Explore and take note of the technology incorporated into the design and the functionality of the home. It is important to consider the lights, air conditioning, antenna, and power points as although little play a huge part in our everyday lives.
After all, the “perfect display home” does not exist there is a range of various display homes suited to individuals’ needs and lifestyles. Take photos, get inspiration, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Building your home is an exciting time, so take your time and enjoy the building journey.
We hope to see you at one of our numerous display homes in WA soon!